Purchase Order
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Purchase Order system allows you to process an order directly to a General Ledger account. This is the equivalent of a Stock Order, except for a non-stock item where quantity adjustments to an inventory are not required.

Header Area

Supplier Name - Search for a Creditor.

Supplier Code - The Creditor code will show once a current Creditor name is chosen.

Order Date - Defaults to the current date, can be changed manually.

Due Date - The expected date for the order to arrive.

Order Number - If this is a new order number. Enter supplier and tab past the Order Number. The system will allocate an order number automatically.

If you wish to look at saved orders or completed orders, enter the supplier name, tab to order number, click on the ellipsis ... or press F4 and search for the order.

Type - There are three types of orders; Suggested, On Order or Received.

Purchaser - The same as the Salesperson field. Select a salesperson as the one ordering.

Credit Request - Tick this box if it is a credit request.

Grid Area

Account - The general ledger account to relating to the order.

GL Description - The description of the general ledger.

Order Desc - The description of the order. Free-text field, written by the orderer.

Qty Ordered - The quantity to be ordered.

Unit Price - This is the Average Cost of the item.

Amount - The Unit Price multiplied by the quantity.

Outstanding - The difference between the quantity ordered and the suggested order.


Preview - Preview the order before printing.

Finalise - Update to stock on order and print, this becomes On Order.

Abort - Cancel order.  A suggested order can be deleted by selecting the order from the Order Number field and clicking the Abort Order button.

Mark Received - First of all, this button is NOT a necessity on all orders that are received. The proper process for bringing a purchase/stock order into a creditor invoice bypasses the need to use this button, especially if an order is received in full. This process is covered in detail below, and there is more info in the Stock Order topic.

Once all items for a stock order for a creditors invoice is processed, the stock order is automatically marked as received. However if all items are not received, or the item is not delivered for any reason, you can manually mark the stock order as received to complete the order and remove it from the outstanding orders (and in the case of stock orders, remove the Quantity on Order amount).

Print Prices Tick Box - This option allows the prices of the ordered goods to be printed on the order. By default this is box is unticked (the invoice sent in response to the order will contain the true pricing of the ordered goods)

Send Invoice Via - The email/fax selection box is the location where you select to email or fax invoice. The email/fax details are taken from the Creditor Master File contacts, and will select the email address or fax number that has 'Send Orders' selected. If more than one number or email address is selected to Send Orders, the FIRST occurrence of either email or fax from the list of contacts will be the number/address chosen.

Number of Items - Number of Items purchased

Total Amount - Total amount to be paid

Comments Tab

Both these comments appear on the order.

Line Comment - can be made for general ledger line entry.

Order comment - can be made regarding the purchase order.

Delivery Details Tab

The Delivery address for the order if it is different from the default address. This appears on the preview/print of the order itself as a separate Delivery Address field beneath the details of your business.

Del Name - Name to be used for delivery of order

Del Address 1  - Address to be delivered

Del Address 2  - Street address of the recipient

Del Suburb  - Recipient's suburb address. By typing the town and clicking the ellipses, you will automatically get the state address and Post Code as well.

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Video/Knowledge base Guide

How to Do a Purchase Order
