Support Updates
Last Update: Tuesday, 10 March 2020 Current Software Version:
Below you will find all information passed on by our Support Team. This includes:
- Information on new updates (PLEASE NOTE: You are required to be an active support customer to get this update)
- “Did You Know?” information
- Links to Blogs that might be of interest to you.
- Single Touch Payroll: Payroll records won’t be closed on ATO submission, unless the box which has now been added is ticked. Do not tick this box until you have run your final payroll for the year, or you are running the termination payroll for the employee.
- Single Touch Payroll: Fixed replacing the ABN. Number will no longer clear
- Single Touch Payroll: Automatically delete the files on each run. Files will no longer be required to be deleted.
- Single Touch Payroll: Remove spaces from ACN/ABN
- Single Touch Payroll: stop open records from showing in totals
- Single Touch Payroll: Add voluntary tax to PAYG
- Police Book: Updated column text to comply with requirements
- Form5(NSW): Format for compliance
- Single Touch Payroll
- Timeout when logging issue resolved: some customers have been getting an issue when logging in where a timeout error comes up. They then click cancel, and the system logs in. This has now been resolved.
NOTE: The password for the update has been changed. You will receive an email with the new password, if you have support.
Update Single Touch Payroll
After extensive testing, we have finally been given approval by the ATO to release Single Touch Payroll to you. Please read the guide below for further information:
Tax Tables: Please note that we are awaiting news on whether the Federal Government will be able to pass the tax cuts through the parliament before July 1, 2019. Until then, we are unable to provide the tax tables for 2019/2020. We will get these to you as soon as we can.
- Removed termination code to fix issue with Payroll
Update Tax Tables for 2018/19
PLEASE NOTE: SINGLE TOUCH PAYROLL: ONLY required for companies with 20 or more employees. 19 or less DO NOT need this until July 1st 2019.
Single Touch Payroll is NOT in this update. We have applied for deferral while we gain approval from the ATO for our integration. This might take a few weeks to get, so the deferral has been requested. When Single Touch Payroll is available, we will send a further email out, and another update will be required. THERE IS NO ESTIMATED TIME OF WHEN THIS WILL BE AVAILABLE. We are beholden to the ATO and their timeframes.
Continue to use the system as normal, and you will be able to send these payroll records, backdated, when this feature is available.
- adjusted error with stock order report
- Payroll tax tables for 2018
- Added TaxName variable to WorkshopQuote
- Fixed total calculation on AccountTransaction Report
- New Form5 for NSW Dealerships
- Fixed GP rate on the totals to be the same as the regular lines on VehicleSales report.
- Added variable tax names to cash sale and recon invoice
- resolved issue with the design of the statement output screen. The email message box and the buttons will be anchored correctly to the bottom of the output screen.
- Changed the SMSGlobal setup to use https, not http
- All print includes GST on the quick quotes
- Added Ashdown to the orders screen
- Updated the VML address to point to a different server
- made order number field bigger for delivery docket and pick slip
- gst calculating incorrectly when includes GST is ticked
- Email log wasn’t adding the correct count for an SQL 2005 database. Have fixed this to manually add the count in separately to the insert.
- Move the ashdown authentication checkbox as it was blocking the repco box.
- Updated global red to include the old and new formats. Both do the exact same thing at the moment. Awaiting details from AMS
- Added the motorcycle form for Queensland
- Updated vehicle quote to include the no gst in the prospect
- Added No GST to Prospect for Vehicle Quotes
- fixed the labour times report for negative hours
Update Payroll Tables for July 1st 2017 released.
Please Note: DO NOT do the update until you have completed your last payroll for the month.
- Updated super company setup to resolve issue with the fields not allowing more than 10 characters
- fixed issues where email statement message didn’t have a list of messages.
- New tax tables for 2017 financial year
- fixed bug with sell vehicle view
- Fixed issue with the superannuation name. It can take more than 8 characters now.
- Added sell vehicle to the check to account limit
- Further changes to the size of the comments column in ECITEM table
- Addition of a tick box for the volvo parts import feature allowing to choose between the trade price and the retail price.
- New tables and columns added to the databases.
- Resolved an issue with the salary sacrifice not showing correctly.
- Adjusted the structure of the database to resolve an issue with values in super company not coming up in the right fields
- Added target email to superstream
- changed the size of the comment field in ECITEM table
- fixed issues with the names of the fields in the superstream file – account name and account number
- Changed the code to add the new super fields and attach these to the superstream queries.
- Added 3 new columns to Paysuper for superstream SMSFs
- fixed issue with the email log.
- updated the make/model code
Update Payroll Tables for October 1st 2016 released.
Please Note: DO NOT do the update until you have completed your last payroll for the month.
- Fixed issue with add vehicle where make and models weren’t coming up without an error
- removed line in superstream causing double ups in some cases where there were multiple member numbers on an employee
- Added the ability to change the states you use for the postcode creator only. Added the state list to the codes section
- tax tables for October 1st 2016
- updated stocktake variance report to come through with the correct amount in the difference column
- Email log added to the statement email system.
- Changed the PRSYS file to include a button that runs query to move all comments over from a product to the electronic catalogue
- electronic catelogue now has the online comments in each line on the grid (not as a tab).
- Added a new tab allowing for comments to show on the Electronic catalogue
- Added Server_Error to 13 tables
- Superstream – NAB format tested and verified – Changes made to make sure this is working
- Added new NAB format to the superstream system
- Added branch to the mechanic listing report.
- Changed the superstream query to take the ACN, not the ABN, as the ABN field doesn’t exist.
- Resolved an issue where Pay Now was sending the value into undeposited funds. Now it will not.
- Qty Ordered now uses quantity value when transferring over the stock to the parts invoice.
An update was released for our customers on Tuesday, 12 July 2016.
- Fixed the year on the PAYG to allow for partial PAYG reports.
- Don’t print parts numbers added to invoice view
- Changed price code to now be 10 characters long
- Changed the size of the final total boxes on item sale report.
An update was released for our customers on Tuesday, 05 July 2016.
- Issues with branches resolved in the output statements screen.
An update was released for our customers on Thursday, 30 June 2016.
- Completed programming for the creditor Invoice/parts process – A few errors were coming up after the last release
- Parts Invoice – Option to not print item codes added to the System File
- Removed parameter in Form 5 that is no longer being used. Error coming up when trying to sell a vehicle.
- Dismantling – Added the new Form 3
- Added Consumables to the list of products you can add to a Kit.
An update was released for our customers on Thursday, 23 June 2016.
- Mercedes Price Update Program created – Extra program that requires payment
- Tax Table change for HECS Help
- Further changes to the software made to resolve an issue with the stock orders where it wasn’t adding the RO number to the creditor invoice, and was not finding the reference number when using a parts invoice.
- Fixed an issue where the superstream wasn’t coming up with employee addresses
- Fixed an issue with the final stocktake report, where this was coming up with reserved stock included when it was advised to not include reserved stock.
- Added the amount where nothing is selected to the super guarantee column
- Fixed code in shopping cart dispatcher to allow for ‘[]’ to come up with the product description.
An update was released for our customers on Thursday, 16 June 2016.
- Added extra calculations to the cash sale column of the police book
- changed code to resolve issue with descriptions where it is now adding a set of brackets to the dispatcher notes.
- The new changes allowing for Parts Invoices to be attached to creditor invoices will now work in Parts Allocation and stock orders
- Added iBranches to all the other possible runs of Check_Order
- Outstanding Transactions: Added Branch selection
An update was released for our customers on Wednesday, 01 June 2016.
- New table – Slave Updates
- BMW Price File: Updated to include percentage markup range
- StockValue report changed to include All branches
- Added database_name column to Histtxh table
- Stock Orders: Added the ability to decide whether to add up all the quantities over the branches.
- Superstream:
- Parts invoices can now also be connected to a creditor invoice.
- Commented out the Link details for Ashdown and Repco so that they cannot be changed without a change in the database.
- Changed the GlobalRed link to have the website go to the new provider.
- Added Alternate Code to the import program
- Filter by branch added to Saved Transactions report.
- StockTopSales report fixed. Will now work with invoice filters.
- Removed Invoice Line variable from Workshop Invoice template
- GST transactions report fixed to allow for 80 character descriptions
- Police Log now shows correct NSW forms
- TAX TABLES 2016/17: HECS payments tax table has changed for 2016/17. This has been updated in version
- Superstream: New feature that creates the required CSV file implemented in Payroll.
- Once created, adjust the file with the required extra information
- Change the way that you have superannuation set up in Payroll
- Still have to submit this file to your clearing house to be placed in the correct format for uploading to the ATO.
- For more info, please read this article:
To get the Update:
Please Note:
- The password for this update can be found on the Updates Page above.
- Please make sure that you do a backup before you run the update.
- The update must be run on the server
Any queries, please email, or call 02 9979 6090
An update was released for our customers on Friday, 26 February 2016.
- Workshop Invoice Template – Warranty now states the correct description.
- Changed the payroll summaries report to take into account longer ABN numbers
- Ashdown Ingram Integration
- Add branch to print RO for date
- Background logo
- 2nd report line suppressing workshop invoice
- Title missing from B&W workshop invoice re-added
An update was released for our customers on Tuesday, 17 November 2015.
• Fixed issue where GST was doubling up on workshop invoices for warranty.
• SA ARC number on workshop invoices
• Global Red: Added commas at the end of spreadsheet as per request from RACV to resolve an underlying issue with their system.
An update was released for our customers on Thursday, 05 November 2015.
• PPSR Number: Added to vehicle acquisition.
• PPSR Number: Updated to work correctly with forms 5 and 6 (NSW Dealership Module only)
• Workshop Invoices: Changed the Black and White invoice template to include the new registry number for NSW customers.
• Profit and Loss Report: Removed the customer name for “non creditor payments”, as it was bringing up a customer’s name, not the payee’s name
• Alternate code description comes up. Improved to resolve the issue with the item cost box coming up when the description of a part is changed.
• Customer Price List Report: takes into account tax that is not 10%
• Shift Lines will no longer delete -Potential Fix for Undeposited Funds issue
• Don’t order a part that is superseded
An update was released for our customers on Monday, 14 September 2015.
• NSW Repairers License capability added to Workshop invoice and Recon (Labour) Invoice
• Import Costing: Updated creditor invoice to use only the subtotal for the percentage to re-allocated the import costs.
• Updated the Vehicle Inventory to have the PPSR field. This will mean the number can be added at any time.
• Fix an issue with email contact coming up blank for names other than phones or mobile.
• Vehicle Cost History: changed the account description size, as this was too small for the size of some company names.
Important Message for WINDOWS 10 USERS:
It has come to our attention that there are a couple of reoccurring issues coming up with Windows 10 users. If you are having ANY issues with the software after upgrading to Windows 10, please do the following:
1. Change the date in the system to the following format: dd/mm/yyyy. Windows 10, for some unknown reason, changes the default country and, ultimately, the formatting of the date on the computer. This will cause issues with anything that requires you to enter a date into the system. This is done in Control Panel on your Windows 10 computer (not in Autosoft).
2. When entering Autosoft, you may not have the privileges, or emails may not send correctly. The Windows 10 system has even higher security than Windows 8 or 7 had. Therefore, you will need to right click the Autosoft icon and select “Run As Administrator”.
Please take note of these issues and, if you have any further problems, please speak with your IT Consultant.
Have a nice week.
An update was released for our customers on Tuesday, 11 August 2015.
• Changed the size of Electronic Calendar part description field (Multi-Add)
• Dismantling: Stock Number in GL was coming up as ID number. Changed system to post the stock number, not the ID number in the GL.
• Vehicle History not working when you click on the history button in the Workshop Invoice. This was due to the description length. Updated the system to 80 characters.
• Stock Maintenance: Don’t Update Quantity can now be changed on the Stock Maintenance window.
• Creditor EFT: Footer line no longer trims to the left on the account number.
An update was released for our customers on Friday, 31 July 2015.
• Parts and Workshop Invoices: Adjusted the way that the changing of descriptions works for alternates to stop the item cost box from coming up all the time.
• Fixed an issue with dymo label desc2 where desc2 wasn’t coming up
• CommCentre: Fixed an issue with the alternate email and sender name boxes not adjusting when size of window is adjusted.
• EFT File Payroll: Balancing line changed to no longer trim the account number.
• Form 5 NSW: Inspection Date suppressed unless it exists
• Form 5 changed to include PPSR Number
• Recon/Labour Invoice: B&W template
• Receipt: B&W template
• Added GST to deposit on the parts invoice templates
• Catalogue Kits: Resolved issue with Parts Kits coming over from the catalogue system.
• Resolved an issue where it was coming up with “String or Binary Data could be truncated” when finalising the invoice
• Resolved an issue where it was coming up with “String or Binary Data could be truncated” when pressing “Vehicle History”
• USI Number: Changed type form integer to char(20), as some of the companies use characters.
• Removed the start webpage and added this to the Help menu instead.
• Updated the GST Transaction report. Import Costings will now send credits to G18.
An update was released for our customers on Friday, 26 June 2015.
- Police Book: Updated with changes to the structure of the form. Now called Form 1, and Name and Address is the 3rd column.
- Form7NSW: changed to include adjustments requested by Fair Trading.
- Payroll: Tax tables changed for 2015/16 – Minor changes to the HECS Levy tax thresholds. Evrything else is as per 2014/15
- Mitsubishi Stock Locater: Updated for changes to the server. This will require customers to now send emails to the provider, as the FTP will no longer work with the new provider.
- Superannuation: Have added a USI Number field in the Superannuation Setup. This is to record the new USI Number required for the Superstream upgrade.
- PAYSUPER Table: Addition of new column – “USI_NUMBER’
- TAX TABLES 2015/16: Available in this update
- Superstream: New field added for the USI Number in the Superannuation setup.
- CSV file required from clearing house
- Data needs to be manually entered this financial year
- Moving to a automated CSV creator for 2016/17 financial year
To get the Update:
Please Note:
- The password for this update can be found on the Updates Page above.
- Please make sure that you do a backup before you run the update.
- The update must be run on the server
Any queries, please email, or call 02 9979 6090
An update was released for our customers on Tuesday, 09 June 2015.
The following is available in this update:
- Import Program: Allow Web address to now be imported in when doing contacts
- Stock Master Update Utility: Update Max and Min levels using Update Utility in the Stock Master File
- Description on Alternates wasn’t changing for invoices. This now changes to the description of the alternate
- Vehicles: Added a new column in Vehicles table called PPSR#. New field in Sell Vehicle screen for the PPSR number. This is for NSW customers only.
- Branch Transfer: Added backorder_Qty to the calculation for stock re-order
- Workshop Invoice: adjusted to fit in letter window.
To get the Update:
Please Note:
- The password for this update can be found on the Updates Page above.
- Please make sure that you do a backup before you run the update.
- The update must be run on the server
Any queries, please email, or call 02 9979 6090
An update was released for our customers on Friday, 22nd May 2015.
The following is available in this update:
- Changed all databases to now load support update website. This website will be updated as an update comes out or if there is any information that needs to be passed on.
- WsNechanicTimes report: Adjusted Formatting. Notes are not squashed anymore.
- Transl INT: Extended Field too large error resolved when copying invoices.
- Updated “Quote” to Estimate
- Layby on Parts Invoices: Resolved issue where the payments would add up even when there was an error.
- Fixed an issue with forms 5 and 6 printing form 4 still (NSW Only)
- Changed where RACV Territory is located. No longer located in the System File. Now located in Global Red. Should resolve the issues that Charlie is having.
- Changed the Repco website link to allow for the issues Repco were having with Script errors
To get the Update:
Please Note:
- The password for this update can be found on the Updates Page above.
- Please make sure that you do a backup before you run the update.
- The update must be run on the server
Any queries, please email, or call 02 9979 6090
An update was released for our customers on Monday, 11th May 2015.
To view what is in the update:
To get the Update:
Please Note:
- The password for this update can be found on the Updates Page above.
- Please make sure that you do a backup before you run the update.
- The update must be run on the server
Any queries, please email, or call 02 9979 6090