Add Cheque to Bank Deposit
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Cheques entered into Add cheque to bank deposit are from cash sale invoices (if not entered at P.O.S. see Bank Deposit Slip), or any other cheques taken in the business i.e. rent received, deposit on motor vehicle etc. All entries made will appear in the bank deposit slip. If a cheques is not on your Bank Deposit slip, you can add it manually here.

Header Area

Bank Name - Select the bank account for the bank deposit.

Cheque Number - The number on the cheque.

Cheque Name - The name on the cheque.

Bank Name - The bank name on the cheque.

Branch or BSB - The branch or BSB number on the cheque.

Date - Select the date you want to be included in the bank deposit slip.

Amount - The amount of the cheque.


OK - Add the cheque to the bank deposit slip.

Cancel - Exit the program without processing the cheque.